Our aim at FutureSteps is to create long lasting and impactful partnerships with not-for-profits tackling the housing crisis. Here you will find the stories and projects FutureSteps has supported since its first grant to Platform Youth Services in 2019.
“The relationship with FutureSteps has brought together organisations who really want to achieve the same thing. It’s something that I am so proud of. And I really hope that everybody gets to see what can be achieved when like-minded businesses come together.”
Tracy Adams, CEO yourtown
Our latest grant recipients
Latest grant recipients
It’s a wrap for 2024 for FutureSteps.. This year $674,490 granted, seven different projects supported. It’s been an incredible year and a huge honour to work with such amazing organisations.
Continuing our mission to support organisations addressing homelessness through local systematic change, increasing housing supply and creating stronger pathways to housing security for those most at risk.
Organisations supported in 2024 were:
End Street Sleeping Collaboration Ltd NSW
Who they support – People 18 years and over who are sleeping on the streets or in crisis or temporary accommodation who are at risk of rough sleeping
What they do – Collaboration of government and non-government organisations providing homelessness, housing and health services, facilitated through the By-Name List, a shared register of information.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – support for the Sydney Zero program which works with local organisations to embed change management practices to achieve widespread use of the By-Name List and participation in local collaboration.
“The support from LendLease FutureSteps came at a crucial time for the Sydney Zero project. The backbone support for this project needed to be increased and this was only possible with the financial contribution from FutureSteps”. Mark Phillips CEO
Who they support – People who are at risk or experiencing homelessness with co-occuring mental health, alcohol and other drug issues, lifelong trauma and disability.
What they do – provide crisis accommodation facilities and other wrap around services for those who are at-risk or experiencing homelessness.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – support for a dedicated case worker to assist people who have resided at The Haymarket Centre to build connection to community and sustain long term housing.
"This funding enables us to employ a post-crisis case worker to support individuals transitioning from The Haymarket Centre to independent living. Thank you, Lendlease, for partnering with us to break the cycle of homelessness and create lasting change in our community." Aliza Denenberg Acting CEO
Who they support – families affected by domestic and family violence.
What they do – A national organisation that works in partnership with domestic violence agencies to enhance the service options they provide.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – provide furnished and safer homes and an outreach program creating brighter futures for six Brisbane families escaping domestic and family violence, in partnership with Peggy’s Place (QLD).
"Thanks to Lendlease, RizeUp and Peggy's Place have been able to create life-changing outcomes for three families, including three women and two children, escaping domestic and family violence". Katherine Arden, Grants Lead
Property Industry Foundation NSW
Who they support – Young people at risk or experiencing homelessness.
What they do – Brings together the property and construction industry in a unique collaboration to have a tangible impact on youth homelessness
FutureSteps Grant Funding – support for the Haven South Dowling long term accommodation project providing accommodation for homeless youth in collaboration with The Salvation Army.
"The funding will go towards building 10 apartments for homeless youth in Surrey Hills, which will be operated by Salvation Army. This accommodation is desperately needed and will enable hundreds of young people to have the stability to engage with education and employment." Kate Mills CEO
Who they support – Women experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Sydney
What they do – help women prevent or resolve homelessness through tailored support, and access to safe and affordable accommodation.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – Support for affordable housing for low-income women impacted by Family & Domestic Violence in Inner City Sydney.
"Your support will help us create a safe and stable place to call home, while we work on securing each woman a permanent home. The Lendlease financial contribution will support our organisation to renovate and set up two newly purchased apartments that will be ready for use in 2025." Kate Timmins CEO
Youth Projects VIC
Who they support – young people and individuals experiencing disadvantage, unemployment, homelessness, and alcohol and other drug barriers in Melbourne
What they do – provides health, outreach, employment, education, and training services to individuals experiencing disadvantage including unemployment, homelessness, mental health challenges, and alcohol and other drug dependency.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – support Roof2Recovery Project Co-ordinator who will identify, support, and place young people, women fleeing family violence and First Nations people into transitional accommodation and help them navigate the complex service system required to access accommodation in this critical housing crisis.
"Thanks to the generous support of the Lendlease Foundation, the Roof2Recovery program creates the capacity to get more people off the streets, into stable housing and on a pathway to independence. This program helps us provide holistic, wrap-around care for individuals experiencing or who are at risk of homelessness, addressing their physical, mental, and social well-being." Richie Goona Executive Manager – Community Health, Youth Projects
Women’s Property Initiatives VIC
Who they support – low income women and women led families.
What they do – provide long-term housing solutions for women and children at risk of homelessness with access to support and ongoing advocacy.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – support for the redevelopment of an existing property to create two homes in Roxburgh Park, VIC.
"Women’s Property Initiatives is delighted to be partnering with Lendlease to redevelop an underutilised site in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. This project will see WPI deliver two quality affordable homes for vulnerable women and their children. We thank Lendlease for their contribution to this project and look forward to opening more doors together in 2025." Lucy Simms Chief Commercial Officer
Funded projects
2024 Projects
End Street Sleeping Collaboration Ltd (NSW) - Support for the Sydney Zero program which works with local organisations to embed change management practices to achieve widespread use of the By-Name List and participation in local collaboration to support people 18 years and over who are sleeping on the streets or in crisis or temporary accommodation who are at risk of rough sleeping.
The Haymarket Foundation (NSW)- Support for a dedicated case worker to assist people with co-occuring mental health, alcohol and other drug issues, lifelong trauma and disability who have resided at The Haymarket Centre to build connection to community and sustain long term housing.
RIZEUP Limited (QLD) - Provide furnished and safer homes and an outreach program creating brighter futures for six Brisbane families escaping domestic and family violence, in partnership with Peggy’s Place.
Property Industry Foundation (NSW) - Support for the Haven South Dowling long term accommodation project providing accommodation for homeless youth in collaboration with The Salvation Army.
B Miles Foundation NSW - Renovation of two properties to provide affordable housing for low-income women impacted by Family & Domestic Violence in Inner City Sydney.
Youth Projects VIC - Support Roof2Recovery Project Co-ordinator who will identify, support, and place young people, women fleeing family violence and First Nations people into transitional accommodation and help them navigate the complex service system required to access accommodation in this critical housing crisis.
Women’s Property Initiatives VIC - Support for the redevelopment of an existing property to create two homes in Roxburgh Park for low-income women and women led families at risk of homelessness.
2023 Projects
Kids Under Cover, Greater Dandenong VIC - Building a 2-bedroom / one bathroom studio into the backyard of a DFFH house in the City of Casey.
Burdekin Association, Inner West NSW - Renovate a house supporting out of home young people to double its capacity, creating two self-contained units and one additional bedroom. The house supports young people from out of home care through the transition to independent living by building greater living skills.
BackTrack Youth Works, Armidale NSW - Renovate a farmhouse, outdoor space and amenities block on a recently donated working farm. The farm will be an immersive and psychologically safe setting where young people can access accommodation, develop vocational skills and qualifications, engage in practical work experience and paid work opportunities and benefits from wraparound youth work and wellbeing support. Young people from their BackTrack Works program will undertake the works.
Whitsunday Housing, Proserpine QLD (Challenge Grant) - Build and furnish tiny houses for women 55+ on land gifted by the Whitsunday Regional Council. The location is close to the Community Centre which will be used as a gateway to re-enter the workforce, to volunteer and to participate in upskilling. This will be the pilot program and they intend to build four houses per year.
Sheltered By Grace, Logan QLD (Challenge Grant) - Co-locate a tiny house with their current shelter. For a single person or single parent with children escaping domestic violence. This is a pilot which they hope to replicate across their portfolio. The team are awaiting all final sign offs, and then they will be off and running.
2022 Projects
ABIS Community Co-operative Society - Townsville QLD - Renovation of an existing unused property to create a useable home for multi-generational or multiple families. Includes opportunities for skilling through the project.
Creating Positive Futures - City of Logan QLD – Building people by building better homes. Training and employment of three apprentices to assist in the construction of social housing.
Good Samaritan Inn, Banyule VIC – Conversion of disused convent into 10 apartments for ~35 people, prioritising people experiencing domestic and family violence and indigenous people experiencing homelessness.
Head Start Homes, anywhere in NSW – Provision of a perpetual home loan guarantee, supporting people to move from social housing to their own home.
Lighthouse Foundation, Frankston VIC – Refurbishment of an existing property to create transitional housing for women and girls escaping forced marriage and supporting them to build skills and capacity for independent living.
Mission Australia, Meekatharra WA – Conversion of four units into apartments providing short term accommodation for women and children escaping domestic violence and linking families with support services.
Peggy’s Place, Brisbane QLD – Infrastructure funding and in-kind support for 76-room conversion supporting women and children experiencing family violence, one of the largest types of facilities in Australia. Facility will also provide certified training and support the surrounding shelters.
Wesley Community Services, Ballina NSW – Extension of the Treehouse Farm facility supporting young people who have exited out of home care. Building scalable and interconnected living ‘pods’ with capacity to house up to four young people at any given time.
Women’s Community Shelter, Western Sydney, NSW (Challenge Grant) – Purchase of a block of units to support women and their children with an experience of Domestic and Family Violence (DFV).
yourtown, Sydney NSW – Support to purchase a block of units for women and children at risk of homelessness and experiencing domestic and family violence, plus furniture purchase and room fitouts and garden refresh.
2021 Projects
Coast Shelter - Central Coast NSW – Garage conversion for women experiencing domestic and family violence.
Kids Under Cover, Darebin VIC – Village 21 program, creating a mini-village supporting six young people with support for up to three years, and including onsite mentors. Aim is to build independent living capacity and skills.
Lighthouse Foundation, Boronia VIC – Conversion of space into studio to house young homeless mums and babies.
Pathfinders, Armidale NSW – Conversion of a hotel complex to support 13 young people in their Supported Independent Living (SIL) Program.
Social Ventures Australia - Foyer Central Social Impact Bond investment (Sydney NSW) – The project provides a stable home with support services for young people who have exited out of home care whilst they engage in education and employment.
Women’s Community Shelter, Sydney NSW – Meanwhile Use program using vacant student accommodation through City West Housing's (CWH) Scape student housing development, housing women at risk of homelessness.
YWCA, Sydney NSW – Funding for the Pathways to Independence program, supporting increased case workload by over 50%, and supporting more than 30 senior women into housing. Program uses holistic case management, skills development and connection to appropriate housing options.
YWCA Housing, South Melbourne VIC – Lakehouse project supporting women 55+ experiencing or at risk of homelessness and supported by the Pathways to Independence program. Refurbishment of further 26 rooms, on top of the already 30 rooms, plus common areas, kitchens and laundries.
2020 Projects
Kids Under Cover, Hume VIC – Part of the Studio Program, creating new studios in backyards of established carers, to accommodate additional young people in their care. Over 600 have been created by KUC to date.
Taldumande Youth Services (Armidale NSW) – Conversion of garage into two-bedroom granny flat for youth at risk. This extended the capacity of a current property and is part of their Youth At Risk Accommodation Program.
Women’s Community Shelter, Sydney NSW – Pathways Home Program. Using a ‘meanwhile use’ model partnering with landholders to identify vacant property, and another project utilising vacant student accommodation.
Women’s Property Initiative, Melbourne VIC – Construction of 5-bedroom house for women and children experiencing family violence.
yourtown, Brisbane QLD – Construction of 4-bedroom dwelling for family violence support. Construction included apprenticeships for people experiencing disadvantage.
2019 Projects
Platform Youth Services, Sydney NSW – Conversion of office space to housing for six students and two carers, leveraging their Education First model.
Case studies
Take a more in-depth peek into some of our partnership projects.
“Kids Under Cover is truly grateful for the support from Lendlease’s FutureSteps. This partnership, combining a grant, furnishings and volunteers, will make a life-changing impact in the lives of young people who are supported by our programs.” Jo Swift, CEO Kids Under Cover
Latest grant recipients
It’s a wrap for 2024 for FutureSteps.. This year $674,490 granted, seven different projects supported. It’s been an incredible year and a huge honour to work with such amazing organisations.
Continuing our mission to support organisations addressing homelessness through local systematic change, increasing housing supply and creating stronger pathways to housing security for those most at risk.
Organisations supported in 2024 were:
End Street Sleeping Collaboration Ltd NSW
Who they support – People 18 years and over who are sleeping on the streets or in crisis or temporary accommodation who are at risk of rough sleeping
What they do – Collaboration of government and non-government organisations providing homelessness, housing and health services, facilitated through the By-Name List, a shared register of information.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – support for the Sydney Zero program which works with local organisations to embed change management practices to achieve widespread use of the By-Name List and participation in local collaboration.
“The support from LendLease FutureSteps came at a crucial time for the Sydney Zero project. The backbone support for this project needed to be increased and this was only possible with the financial contribution from FutureSteps”. Mark Phillips CEO
Who they support – People who are at risk or experiencing homelessness with co-occuring mental health, alcohol and other drug issues, lifelong trauma and disability.
What they do – provide crisis accommodation facilities and other wrap around services for those who are at-risk or experiencing homelessness.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – support for a dedicated case worker to assist people who have resided at The Haymarket Centre to build connection to community and sustain long term housing.
"This funding enables us to employ a post-crisis case worker to support individuals transitioning from The Haymarket Centre to independent living. Thank you, Lendlease, for partnering with us to break the cycle of homelessness and create lasting change in our community." Aliza Denenberg Acting CEO
Who they support – families affected by domestic and family violence.
What they do – A national organisation that works in partnership with domestic violence agencies to enhance the service options they provide.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – provide furnished and safer homes and an outreach program creating brighter futures for six Brisbane families escaping domestic and family violence, in partnership with Peggy’s Place (QLD).
"Thanks to Lendlease, RizeUp and Peggy's Place have been able to create life-changing outcomes for three families, including three women and two children, escaping domestic and family violence". Katherine Arden, Grants Lead
Property Industry Foundation NSW
Who they support – Young people at risk or experiencing homelessness.
What they do – Brings together the property and construction industry in a unique collaboration to have a tangible impact on youth homelessness
FutureSteps Grant Funding – support for the Haven South Dowling long term accommodation project providing accommodation for homeless youth in collaboration with The Salvation Army.
"The funding will go towards building 10 apartments for homeless youth in Surrey Hills, which will be operated by Salvation Army. This accommodation is desperately needed and will enable hundreds of young people to have the stability to engage with education and employment." Kate Mills CEO
Who they support – Women experiencing or at risk of homelessness in Sydney
What they do – help women prevent or resolve homelessness through tailored support, and access to safe and affordable accommodation.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – Support for affordable housing for low-income women impacted by Family & Domestic Violence in Inner City Sydney.
"Your support will help us create a safe and stable place to call home, while we work on securing each woman a permanent home. The Lendlease financial contribution will support our organisation to renovate and set up two newly purchased apartments that will be ready for use in 2025." Kate Timmins CEO
Youth Projects VIC
Who they support – young people and individuals experiencing disadvantage, unemployment, homelessness, and alcohol and other drug barriers in Melbourne
What they do – provides health, outreach, employment, education, and training services to individuals experiencing disadvantage including unemployment, homelessness, mental health challenges, and alcohol and other drug dependency.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – support Roof2Recovery Project Co-ordinator who will identify, support, and place young people, women fleeing family violence and First Nations people into transitional accommodation and help them navigate the complex service system required to access accommodation in this critical housing crisis.
"Thanks to the generous support of the Lendlease Foundation, the Roof2Recovery program creates the capacity to get more people off the streets, into stable housing and on a pathway to independence. This program helps us provide holistic, wrap-around care for individuals experiencing or who are at risk of homelessness, addressing their physical, mental, and social well-being." Richie Goona Executive Manager – Community Health, Youth Projects
Women’s Property Initiatives VIC
Who they support – low income women and women led families.
What they do – provide long-term housing solutions for women and children at risk of homelessness with access to support and ongoing advocacy.
FutureSteps Grant Funding – support for the redevelopment of an existing property to create two homes in Roxburgh Park, VIC.
"Women’s Property Initiatives is delighted to be partnering with Lendlease to redevelop an underutilised site in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. This project will see WPI deliver two quality affordable homes for vulnerable women and their children. We thank Lendlease for their contribution to this project and look forward to opening more doors together in 2025." Lucy Simms Chief Commercial Officer
2024 Projects
End Street Sleeping Collaboration Ltd (NSW) - Support for the Sydney Zero program which works with local organisations to embed change management practices to achieve widespread use of the By-Name List and participation in local collaboration to support people 18 years and over who are sleeping on the streets or in crisis or temporary accommodation who are at risk of rough sleeping.
The Haymarket Foundation (NSW)- Support for a dedicated case worker to assist people with co-occuring mental health, alcohol and other drug issues, lifelong trauma and disability who have resided at The Haymarket Centre to build connection to community and sustain long term housing.
RIZEUP Limited (QLD) - Provide furnished and safer homes and an outreach program creating brighter futures for six Brisbane families escaping domestic and family violence, in partnership with Peggy’s Place.
Property Industry Foundation (NSW) - Support for the Haven South Dowling long term accommodation project providing accommodation for homeless youth in collaboration with The Salvation Army.
B Miles Foundation NSW - Renovation of two properties to provide affordable housing for low-income women impacted by Family & Domestic Violence in Inner City Sydney.
Youth Projects VIC - Support Roof2Recovery Project Co-ordinator who will identify, support, and place young people, women fleeing family violence and First Nations people into transitional accommodation and help them navigate the complex service system required to access accommodation in this critical housing crisis.
Women’s Property Initiatives VIC - Support for the redevelopment of an existing property to create two homes in Roxburgh Park for low-income women and women led families at risk of homelessness.
2023 Projects
Kids Under Cover, Greater Dandenong VIC - Building a 2-bedroom / one bathroom studio into the backyard of a DFFH house in the City of Casey.
Burdekin Association, Inner West NSW - Renovate a house supporting out of home young people to double its capacity, creating two self-contained units and one additional bedroom. The house supports young people from out of home care through the transition to independent living by building greater living skills.
BackTrack Youth Works, Armidale NSW - Renovate a farmhouse, outdoor space and amenities block on a recently donated working farm. The farm will be an immersive and psychologically safe setting where young people can access accommodation, develop vocational skills and qualifications, engage in practical work experience and paid work opportunities and benefits from wraparound youth work and wellbeing support. Young people from their BackTrack Works program will undertake the works.
Whitsunday Housing, Proserpine QLD (Challenge Grant) - Build and furnish tiny houses for women 55+ on land gifted by the Whitsunday Regional Council. The location is close to the Community Centre which will be used as a gateway to re-enter the workforce, to volunteer and to participate in upskilling. This will be the pilot program and they intend to build four houses per year.
Sheltered By Grace, Logan QLD (Challenge Grant) - Co-locate a tiny house with their current shelter. For a single person or single parent with children escaping domestic violence. This is a pilot which they hope to replicate across their portfolio. The team are awaiting all final sign offs, and then they will be off and running.
2022 Projects
ABIS Community Co-operative Society - Townsville QLD - Renovation of an existing unused property to create a useable home for multi-generational or multiple families. Includes opportunities for skilling through the project.
Creating Positive Futures - City of Logan QLD – Building people by building better homes. Training and employment of three apprentices to assist in the construction of social housing.
Good Samaritan Inn, Banyule VIC – Conversion of disused convent into 10 apartments for ~35 people, prioritising people experiencing domestic and family violence and indigenous people experiencing homelessness.
Head Start Homes, anywhere in NSW – Provision of a perpetual home loan guarantee, supporting people to move from social housing to their own home.
Lighthouse Foundation, Frankston VIC – Refurbishment of an existing property to create transitional housing for women and girls escaping forced marriage and supporting them to build skills and capacity for independent living.
Mission Australia, Meekatharra WA – Conversion of four units into apartments providing short term accommodation for women and children escaping domestic violence and linking families with support services.
Peggy’s Place, Brisbane QLD – Infrastructure funding and in-kind support for 76-room conversion supporting women and children experiencing family violence, one of the largest types of facilities in Australia. Facility will also provide certified training and support the surrounding shelters.
Wesley Community Services, Ballina NSW – Extension of the Treehouse Farm facility supporting young people who have exited out of home care. Building scalable and interconnected living ‘pods’ with capacity to house up to four young people at any given time.
Women’s Community Shelter, Western Sydney, NSW (Challenge Grant) – Purchase of a block of units to support women and their children with an experience of Domestic and Family Violence (DFV).
yourtown, Sydney NSW – Support to purchase a block of units for women and children at risk of homelessness and experiencing domestic and family violence, plus furniture purchase and room fitouts and garden refresh.
2021 Projects
Coast Shelter - Central Coast NSW – Garage conversion for women experiencing domestic and family violence.
Kids Under Cover, Darebin VIC – Village 21 program, creating a mini-village supporting six young people with support for up to three years, and including onsite mentors. Aim is to build independent living capacity and skills.
Lighthouse Foundation, Boronia VIC – Conversion of space into studio to house young homeless mums and babies.
Pathfinders, Armidale NSW – Conversion of a hotel complex to support 13 young people in their Supported Independent Living (SIL) Program.
Social Ventures Australia - Foyer Central Social Impact Bond investment (Sydney NSW) – The project provides a stable home with support services for young people who have exited out of home care whilst they engage in education and employment.
Women’s Community Shelter, Sydney NSW – Meanwhile Use program using vacant student accommodation through City West Housing's (CWH) Scape student housing development, housing women at risk of homelessness.
YWCA, Sydney NSW – Funding for the Pathways to Independence program, supporting increased case workload by over 50%, and supporting more than 30 senior women into housing. Program uses holistic case management, skills development and connection to appropriate housing options.
YWCA Housing, South Melbourne VIC – Lakehouse project supporting women 55+ experiencing or at risk of homelessness and supported by the Pathways to Independence program. Refurbishment of further 26 rooms, on top of the already 30 rooms, plus common areas, kitchens and laundries.
2020 Projects
Kids Under Cover, Hume VIC – Part of the Studio Program, creating new studios in backyards of established carers, to accommodate additional young people in their care. Over 600 have been created by KUC to date.
Taldumande Youth Services (Armidale NSW) – Conversion of garage into two-bedroom granny flat for youth at risk. This extended the capacity of a current property and is part of their Youth At Risk Accommodation Program.
Women’s Community Shelter, Sydney NSW – Pathways Home Program. Using a ‘meanwhile use’ model partnering with landholders to identify vacant property, and another project utilising vacant student accommodation.
Women’s Property Initiative, Melbourne VIC – Construction of 5-bedroom house for women and children experiencing family violence.
yourtown, Brisbane QLD – Construction of 4-bedroom dwelling for family violence support. Construction included apprenticeships for people experiencing disadvantage.
2019 Projects
Platform Youth Services, Sydney NSW – Conversion of office space to housing for six students and two carers, leveraging their Education First model.
Take a more in-depth peek into some of our partnership projects.
“Kids Under Cover is truly grateful for the support from Lendlease’s FutureSteps. This partnership, combining a grant, furnishings and volunteers, will make a life-changing impact in the lives of young people who are supported by our programs.” Jo Swift, CEO Kids Under Cover